About Us

Meet The Team Behind Bs89269tp.com (also known as BS-TP)

About The Team

We’re a small team who are all sharing a mutual passion for providing our readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information.

We've been working remotely since 2017, and the team has gradually increased through the years.

Our mission is to create a free online resource that you can trust to deliver you with the most relevant news out there in today's fast moving climate.

Our goal is to help our readers understand the complex world we live in.

Meet Our People

mikael techrivalss


Head of Marketing

Mikael is the founder and CEO of BSTP, but his day-to-day usually focuses on the marketing aspect of the site.


Staff Writer

Hye is an SEO Content Strategist who's worked with a numebr of large actors across several industries. Now she focused on writing the best possible content online.


Head of Content

For over 10 years, Layla has been a digital marketer and web developer. She spends most of her time overlooking the content creation of the website.


Staff Writer

Maurice is a content editor and internal writer at BS-TP and is responsible for keeping the content up to date by proofreading, editing, and researching articles.

Get In Touch With Us!

We'd love to hear from you, any feedback or questions is appreciated. 

If you have any business inquires we're also happy to have a chat. You can reach us by pressing the bottom below or reach out at admin@bs89269tp.com