The Current State Of Facebook – Is It Dying?

Facebook is in a difficult position right now. The social media giant has been dealing with allegations of data misuse, and its stock prices have taken a hit

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The Business of TikTok – The Rise of The Giant Social Media

In just a few short years, TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. What is TikTok, and why is it so

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Grocery Home Delivery’s Consequence on Society

The grocery home delivery service has been on the rise in recent years. This is likely due to the busy lives that many people lead and the lack

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What Is The Metaverse, And Is It Here To Stay?

Metaverse virtual reality technology is the next step in the evolution of VR. It allows users to create and interact with their own 3D world, or Metaverse, within

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